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Thursday, October 30, 2014

A week of confirmed promises

How many of you have ever made a promise that you did not keep? ✋ My hand goes up and fast too. Either we get too busy, forget, or make ones we just cannot keep and unfortunately someone is left hurt. I don't know about you, but I for one always feel bad if I break a promise, so I try hard now only to make the ones I know I can keep. Promise is a big word and well, I, in my humaness, am not that big. I know someone who is though and He never goes back on His word!

This week has been a week of confirmed promises for Al and me, in many areas of our life. I would like to take just a moment of your time and brag on His promises, not because of anything we have done or because we even deserve them, only because He is a great BIG God with a whole lot of love to pour out on two ordinary people, yet children of Him(wow that is a long sentence). Al and I are in the home stretch leading towards our Home Study. This is the one step that opens our home up to Baby F and opens the door to applying for grants. Pretty much it shows our Social Worker we are truly ready to bring home our baby. This part is expensive also. Al and I are pretty private about this part of the Adoption and have only shared with our closest family and friends all the details. We have been encouraged to share this detail with you though. In order to complete our Home Study we must have $4000.00 paid and this is why we have been fundrausing. There is no price you can put on our baby or any baby at all, it is reality though. We've trusted God all along though because we know this is His will for our lives. 

Ok, by now you're probably ready to hear how He has shown up so here goes. Sunday we were approached by a wonderful man of Christ,( he has the same heart as my Dad did) in his hand a $400.00 check that said, "God loves you!" We were instantly moved to tears, overwhelmed with love from our Father! A few days later we were approached by a couple, who with the same attitude told us a large amount they were wanting to give, and just yesterday another couple told us they were donating $100.00. There have been no words to express our appreciation and thanks. We've had a hard time with this part of the story because who are we in comparison to others. We are eternally grateful and pray many blessings on those who are sowing seeds into our babies life. 

Is this it, no actually. To top it all off we have received this week our next fundraising opportunity. A sweet Spirit filled Lady from our church donated her talent, time, and supplies to paint a puzzle for our nursery and of course this week she completed it. 

God laid the words on our heart and gave her a vision. We think it is adorable as this represents Dad, Baby, and Mom. Thank you Toni for sharing your heart with us! Thank you to those God has used this week to confirm His promise! We love you all! 

So finally here it is the next fundraiser and the one I am most excited for. Why?! You see this puzzle tells a story, one we will be able to share when Baby F grows up, and one you all can be a part. This is how the puzzle came to us:
and was it a pain to put together, but we did😄! Now its complete and ready for your names. You all can buy a piece of the puzzle for $30.00 and have your name signed to the back. You will then receive a picture postcard of the puzzle to put on your refrigerator, desk at work, in your car, or where ever as a reminder that you walked this faith walk with us, became a part of our family, helped complete the puzzle, and prayed for all of us along the way. My sisters have set up a Go Fund Me to help make it easy for you all. You will find it listed at the end of this blog. As always, all donations go to bringing home Baby F!

Again, thank you! I know I say it often, but we truly cannot wait to hold our baby. We cannot wait to meet him/her and to love on our little one. 

As you can see its been one of those weeks. Please know though, no matter what kind of week it is, God is always good and will never hold back on His promises. Its been a long journey, with tears shed, but still God! Psalm 119:50 says, "My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life" and He has preseved us, so we hold onto His peomises! Please remember, He cares for YOU!! 

I have one last thing to say about God's promises! He promised to Chasity that she was going to be a nurse and this girl passed her State Board! We literally found out the news Sunday right after our first blessing of the week! We are so very proud of her. The best part, through adversity she kept her hope in God! 

Until next time.....


PS: My Mom has so willingly excepted my request to take over our Adoption Auction! Thank you Mom!!

Here is the link:

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