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Saturday, October 3, 2015

When the waiting becomes......


Waiting is not easy. I know as I write this there are many who will read it that understand how hard waiting can be. Can I get real honest in this blog? I am going to either way;)! Waiting just flat out stinks! My arms long to hold our baby, my heart longs to love him/her more, my eyes are waiting to see in the physical what we have been praying and believing for in the spiritual, and we cannot wait to celebrate the little life God has promised us. This promise should make waiting easier, it does not though. When so many around you are celebrating life, taking beautiful family pictures, and making family memories, my desire just becomes that much stronger and harder to wait for! Please do not get me wrong, I celebrate with them, I rejoice over their sweet miracles, and I aw and ew over their beautiful pictures. I am human though, and often slip in my doubt forgetting for a brief moment that God is a miracle worker, He is not a liar, and He loves to give us our desires when we remain faithful to Him. 

I adore the relationships He has brought our way with people who understand! I am also so thankful for the encouragement He sends our way through beautiful people! I know when the waiting gets hard I am to just be still and know my God who loves me more then I could ever imagine this side of Heaven has already gone before us! I know He is in every detail and I am then reminded it is all going to be worth the wait! 

Many have asked where we are in the process, this is where! We are just waiting for that amazing phone call and beautiful match! Please continue to pray with us, for the Birth Mom, and the little life she carries. Right now, our baby could be born, conceived, or even just waiting to breathe outside the womb, either way, God knows and He is in charge! 

I walk by our Nursery often and while its hard, I stop in, may say a prayer, and just look around and think about all the many sweet moments that will happen in this room. There will be nights of rocking in the glider, the noise of a sweet mobile, the dim light from a cute lamp, and the coos, crys, and laughs from a miracle that only God could create and be a part of! These things bring me hope and cause me to smile, and I may even tear up a little;)!  One other thing about our Nursery that I love is the theme the Spirit laid on my spirit! We (Al and I) together picked a color scheme, we know the Spirit gave us the Owls though. You see our little one was prophesied to us and God told us he/she would come. After putting the Nursery together I found out the spiritual meaning for Owls is: Prophecy, Wisdom, Life, Transition, and Protection! I know God works in this way and its amazing! 

I hold onto these signs and promises from God and try my best to just "Be Still and Know He is God!"

Thanks for walking with us through this and for your prayers! Never doubt that in all things God is working it for our good! 

So....we still wait, no matter how hard! 
